this is how you make me believe I'm more than nothing...
So this is how it ends. It's just like watching the series finale of a show you spent your life decoding and ever day you were posting on some fanboard instead of doing your work. Finally you can stop lying to your boss and pick up your slack again. The company says hello and more business is needed, and your still crying because the Phoebe Chick died. Meanwhile your girlfriend left you and you're watching television crying everytime you see a 'Season Three On DVD' commercial. Stop being so under the weather. It's just pixels on a screen for crying out loud. Meanwhile you could be living it, real drama in your life, but you wasted it on watching others do it for you.
This is the sad ending to a great story. So why do we bother watching tv? It's just like watching 7th Heaven and then asking yourself, how can these people call themselves good? They go around doing bad stuff, and you never see them repent. So what, it's just tv. No, if you're going to spread the information, do it right.
This chickens not tasting so good anymore. So don't eat it...
This is the sad ending to a great story. So why do we bother watching tv? It's just like watching 7th Heaven and then asking yourself, how can these people call themselves good? They go around doing bad stuff, and you never see them repent. So what, it's just tv. No, if you're going to spread the information, do it right.
This chickens not tasting so good anymore. So don't eat it...
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